Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Photography

Here is some of my photography I have done in the past month or so. My Mother, Cousin Tiffany and Cousin Nathan. I would like to become a wedding photographer. I have done one wedding, it didn't come out great but not bad for my first time. Hopefully you will enjoy my photos, leave your advice and true feelings as it is very much appreciated being that I am new to the photography industry!

1 comment:

Jolene said...

I can't wait till you have your own studio. I think I'm your biggest fan. We'll... one of your biggest fans. Keep me updated with new photos.

Love you

Nancy Garcia

Nancy Garcia
My Beautiful Mother

The Ocean

My Mother is deathy affraid of the ocean or even getting near it. Her father, brother, grandfather and an uncle were deep sea fishing in Morro Bay Ca. They were lost at sea when my mother was 4 years old. Their bodies were never found and my mother has never been able to get past it.

The ocean has been a huge part of my life. So it has been very difficult over the years for my mother to accept. My sister and I love to boogie board and "try" to surf. But this was fun too!

Sexy At 50

Sexy At 50
She's a male magnet!

My Mother

My Mother
Taken At Shell Beach

Tiffany Silvera

Tiffany Silvera
Senior Portraits

Tiffany Silvera

Tiffany Silvera
My First Photo Shoot Ever!

Nathan G.

Nathan G.
My Little Cousin, Such a Doll!